Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sleeping Buddy

Timothy has rediscovered his love for his gummy's music in the last couple of weeks. He listens to it during play time, bed time, quiet time, relaxation time, etc. You name it, he's listening. He has to be close to the CD player so he can listen to his favorite songs over and over. He loves to hum along with his favorite intros and melodies. He's even starting to sing along with some of the lyrics as he becomes more familiar with them. Last night, he said "Dad listen, this is my favorite part," as he sang along with the bridge to "Broken," a song from her album "Pontiac Rocket." It was sweet. About the photo, it's pretty much impossible to make a 5 year old take a nap, so we started what we call "relaxation time," time when he quietly listens to music, reads books, etc. Yesterday, I peaked in to check on him, and he had fallen asleep on the floor, next to the CD player, listening to gummy's music. I had to capture the moment. Precious.


coriconnors said...

Oh, melt this old Gummy's heart!!!!
My, how I miss you guys!

auntie libby said...

i love gummy's music too....and i love timo and anna..."dis much!"

miss you, miss you, miss you

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! So cute! I'm so excited that my mom sent me the link to your blog! I had no idea about it I'm sooo excited that I can come and see pictures of you guys now. I hope all is well. We love you and miss you.